Author Archives: Deleted User


Castles are some of the finest sights in Japan, they are beautifully historic and magnificantly built. Feast your eyes on Nagoya castle, an ancient landmark and is placed in the heart of Nagoya city resting on a stone. This fortress once had immense gates and guard towers so that guards can spot intruders quickly and easily. Get there in 15 minutes by subway from Nagoya station to Shiyakugha station.                                                                                 Nagoya castleNagoya Castle  himeji castleHimeji Castle

Himeji Castle is another famous place with its confusing gates scince one gate is discuised as a wall another has a very low ceiling.It survived world war 2 and an earthquake in 1995.Get there efficiantly with train. Himeji castle has its own stop so you’ll find it really fast.